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Friday, May 30, 2008

Celtic vs Lakers?

The two teams that are predicted to be facing each other in the finals are the Los Angeles Lakers and the Boston Celtics. They have been the favorites for reaching the finals. Even though there are a significant amount of people betting on the Celtics...they may not win. Like the Giants and Patriots... the underdog won. The same may happen with the Lakers...even though I doubt it. I don't know anything about sport teams but I say what I see. If I'm right then good for me...if I'm can't blame me for guessing. Even though basketball is not my favorite sport... I know that if the Lakers and Celtics face each other, then that will be what everyone is going to talk about for a while.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Switch Up (This will probably be the only Hockey post so don't get too defensive)

Just to switch it up...I'm going to go Hockey for a second. The Detroit Red Wings have been proclaimed very machine like. The Red Wings have won their last game but were said to be extremely otherworldly. The Red Wings have been undefeated with a score of 3-0. Should the Pittsburgh Penguins be afraid of facing the Red Wings? And the real question...are the Red Wings even human?

Friday, May 23, 2008

Olympics Basketball....

(Did you know the Olympics hosted Basketball, too?)
The Chinese Olympic Basketball team has done something unexpected. The W.N.B.A and Chinese women team went against each other twice; the first with America winning and the second, surprisingly, was the China team. The first time America crushed China, the second, China won by three. This win has earned them some credibility in the basketball field. The China team wasn't supposed to beat the U.S that was definitely a shock. My opinion was that not many Asians play basketball...I know I'm wrong so don't correct what I know...and don't counter with Yao Ming or whatever.....because I find tall Asians to be unique...even though I know... like 10. And I am not being racist...just stereotypical....just to clarify....

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Olympic Earthquake

(The ruins of a once standing city.)
The Earthquake in China should postpone the Olympic or at least move it to another location where the lives of the atletes are not in danger. The risks that people are taking to continue hosting the Olympics in Beijing is a radical move that can be provented. The Earthquake has been a tramatzing time for the residents that were in the area. My opinion is that this Olympics will not be the last nor will it be the last one being held in Beijijng China for the rest of eternity. However, you only have one life...and the time is limited. When you think about it, is watching the Olympics, which is stuff you can find on YouTube (visit :]), really worth it?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Second Topic: Olympics in China Part 2

(The 7.8 Earthquake in China)
There has been another troubling time in China. The earthquke in China has killed over 19,000 people and there are still more people that reamins unfound. Will the Olympics still continue or has the earthquake 'shaken' things up too much? How will the results of the diaster effect the progress of th Olympics?

Friday, May 16, 2008

Second Topic: Olympics in China

(This is what they think. They think its an imprisonment.)

(Some think that this is a bad time to sponsor the Olympics in China.)
The Olympics has been a tradition throughout the years. This year it is being held in Beijing, China. This was supposed to help China rise out of weakness, poverty and humiliation. However, there has been some trouble with the transition. The torch seems to keep being prevented from reaching its destination. Why? What is the reason behind the visable hate and resistance? Do you agree with the people who want to boycott the Olympics in China? What are some other questions or opinions?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

First Topic:Basketball- Knick's D' Antoni

(Dosen't look very flattering does it..?)
There has been a lot of attention toward the new Knicks coach, saying how he dosen't focus enough on the team's defense. The Knicks, with their already weak defense, now has a coach that is going to TRY to improve their offense...seeing as the Knicks have become an embarassing team, hopefully they won't get worse...but it is hard to go lower than last. Will the team get better or worse? Can D'Antoni make the team's fans come back? Do you think that this coach will be anything like Isiah Thomas and be blamed for making the team worse or do you think that the he will be praised for restoring some of the Knicks former glory?

Sunday, May 11, 2008


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